L’Australia vieta i cellulari in classe

L’Australia vieta i cellulari in classe

In a move to improve learning outcomes and reduce distractions, during 2023 Australia announced a ban on the use of the use of mobile phones in classrooms, with the exception of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Meanwhile, non-state schools were permitted the discretion to decide and implement their own policies.


  • Tutti gli stati australiani hanno implementato il divieto dei telefoni cellulari nelle scuole, ad eccezione dell'Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

  • The ban aims to improve learning outcomes and reduce distractions caused by mobile phone use in schools.

  • The ban requires students to keep their phones away for the entire school day but allows them to bring them in for contacting parents or carers before or after school hours.

  • Anche le scuole private in Australia hanno implementato il divieto di utilizzo del telefono cellulare per ridurre le distrazioni, contrastare il cyberbullismo e migliorare i risultati di apprendimento.

How Australia’s mobile phone ban happened

In 2020, Victoria was the first State to implement a school mobile phone ban. This was followed by Queensland in 2021, then in 2023 South Australia and New South Wales followed suit.

The main purpose of this policy is to improve learning outcomes and reduce distractions caused by mobile phone use.

The ban caused a range of reactions from parents, students, and schools. Parents have expressed their concerns about how it will affect their children’s safety and ability to communicate with them in an emergency.

However, a year on, the results have been very positive:

  • 81% say students’ learning has improved since mobile phones were banned
  • 87% of principals say students are less distracted in the classroom since mobile phones were banned
  • 86% of principals say socialising has improved since the mobile phone ban

What are the rules, by State and Territory?

Western Australia: Years K–6 in public schools may not have a phone in their possession, while Years 7–12 may, but it must be turned off and put away. Smart watches must be kept in flight mode at school.

Northern Territory: Students from preschool to Year 6 in government schools may not have a phone in their possession. Years 7–12 may have a phone at school, but it must be turned off and stored securely. Smartwatches must be in flight mode.

South Australia: Public school students must keep their mobile phones and other personal devices, such as smart watches, switched off and put away while they’re at school. Each school has its own policy on how this works in practice.

Queensland: Public school students must keep mobile phones switched off and “away for the day” during school hours. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, must have notifications switched off. Each school has its own policy on how this works.

New South Wales: Student mobile phone use is banned in public primary and high schools. There are a variety of ways that schools can implement the ban locally.

Australian Capital Territory: Students in Years P–10 may not use or access mobile phones or other personal communications devices during the school day or during school-authorised events. Students in Years 11 and 12 can have their phones but must put their devices away during class time.Tasmania: Students from Years K–12 must have their mobile phones switched off and stored during school hours. Each school has its own policy.

Victoria: Students must have phones switched off and securely stored during school hours. Each school has its own policy on how this works in practice. Wearable devices, tablets and other personal devices must have notifications turned off..

How have Australian schools implemented the ban?

Each school has its own policy on how the ban is implemented, including where phones, smart watches and tablets are stored, as well as the consequences for non-compliance.
Students can bring their phones to school for safety when traveling to and from school, and to be contacted before or after school.

The ban in some schools is informal, whereas others have precise ways of ensuring the ban is implemented. Here at Phone Locker, we’ve helped many schools across Australia – and the globe – with our innovative lockable phone pouch, which can only be accessed again using a magnetic unlocking station at school exits (check out how it works).

The lockable phone pouches:

  • Allows the student to keep hold of their property
  • Avoids confrontations with “confiscation” of phones
  • Prevents cheating, and other unauthorised use
  • Can have complete signal blocking ability
  • Can be branded, and fit all phones

For any implementation of the Phone Locker pouches, we assist in the roll-out – and have everything from templates to write to parents, to FAQ guidelines for students. Get in touch to discuss your school for a no-obligation chat.

A year on, what have been the results on the ban?

NSW have announced findings from a year of implementation, saying the mobile phone ban has improved student learning, concentration, and encouraged young people to socialise more.

As a result, experts are calling for a consistent nation-wide ban. Child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg called for a national policy on the issue that includes private schools. He said;

“I would plead with Jason Clare to talk to principals who have done this (and consider) a consistent national ban. If you have a mobile phone ban in a school, you are going to get more social interaction, less distraction and better grades”

Meanwhile, Premier of South Australia Peter Malinauskas said “the evidence is in” – children are playing with each other and not on their phones and there has been “a reduction in inappropriate behaviour”.
School reporting data from the state indicates a 63% decline in “critical incidents involving social media” in the first half of this year compared to the same period in 2023 before the ban.


Further reading…

Attuazione nel Queensland

Implementation of the mobile phone ban in Queensland took effect in term one of 2021. The new ban enforced a blanket ban on mobile phone use in all Queensland state schools, while non-state schools will have the discretion to decide and implement their own policies. 95% of state schools in Queensland already had policies in place that prohibit the use of mobile phones during class times.

Una revisione condotta dall’ex commissaria per la famiglia e l’infanzia del Queensland, Cheryl Vardon, ha raccomandato il divieto di telefoni e di alcuni dispositivi indossabili durante l’orario scolastico. Ciò richiederà agli studenti di tenere i telefoni lontani per l’intera giornata scolastica, ma potranno comunque portarli per contattare i genitori o gli accompagnatori prima o dopo l’orario scolastico. Le scuole private hanno la facoltà di decidere e attuare le proprie politiche riguardanti l'uso del telefono cellulare.

Like schools in other countries, many schools have taken the option to implement the lockable Phone Locker magnetic phone pouch, where students can keep hold of their phones, but can only access it when allowed. This deals with the issues of storing mobile phones, and prevents it feeling like a punitive measure for students.

Other States’ Bans

Building on the implementation of the mobile phone ban in Queensland, other Australian states have also implemented their own bans on phone use in public schools. Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Northern Territory, and South Australia all adopted similar policies in 2020 and 2021 respectively. In 2023, South Australia and New South Wales also implemented bans.

Parental concerns and opinions of the ban vary, but many acknowledge the potential impact on student behaviour of limiting phone use during school hours. Other countries, such as France, have implemented similar bans with varying effectiveness. Alternatives to banning phones, such as education on responsible use, were considered but ultimately deemed insufficient.

Dovranno essere affrontate le potenziali sfide nell’applicazione del divieto, come il rispetto delle norme da parte degli studenti e il monitoraggio degli insegnanti. Il divieto nelle scuole private, invece, è lasciato alla discrezione delle singole scuole. Sebbene l’approccio possa differire da stato a stato, l’obiettivo è lo stesso: migliorare i risultati dell’apprendimento e la sicurezza degli studenti.

What about private schools?

Mentre le scuole statali in Australia hanno implementato divieti generalizzati sull’uso del telefono cellulare, le scuole private hanno la discrezionalità di decidere e attuare le proprie politiche riguardanti l’uso del telefono cellulare.

Some private schools, like SCEGGS Darlinghurst in Sydney, have implemented bans on mobile phone use with the intention of reducing distractions, tackling cyberbullying, and improving learning outcomes.

Le scuole private possono anche prendere in considerazione l'uso dei telefoni cellulari per benefici educativi a determinate condizioni. L'applicazione della politica può variare da scuola a scuola, poiché la comunicazione dei genitori è incoraggiata per garantire un'implementazione di successo.

Gli studenti potrebbero essere in grado di utilizzare i propri telefoni per sicurezza durante gli spostamenti da e per la scuola o per comunicazioni di emergenza con i genitori. Inoltre, le scuole possono approvare esenzioni in circostanze eccezionali.

Attraverso questo, le scuole private mirano a migliorare il coinvolgimento degli studenti e creare un ambiente favorevole all’apprendimento, pur consentendo la necessaria comunicazione tra gli studenti.

Il divieto ha avuto un impatto significativo sulle dinamiche della classe. Con i telefoni off-limits, gli studenti devono ora concentrarsi sul compito da svolgere, il che può migliorare la concentrazione e i risultati dell’apprendimento.

Inoltre, gli insegnanti hanno l’opportunità di creare un ambiente di apprendimento più collaborativo. Sono disponibili anche alternative per la comunicazione, come i sistemi di posta elettronica scolastici o le app di messaggistica interna.

Esenzione ACT

Few Australian jurisdictions have implemented a ban on mobile phones as strictly as the other states. The ACT is the only one to not impose a blanket ban. Education Minister Yvette Berry has stated that there are no plans to introduce a ban in the territory. Instead, the ACT focuses on helping students understand appropriate behaviour both online and offline.

L'ACT potrebbe avere strategie alternative per affrontare le distrazioni e l'uso inappropriato dei telefoni cellulari nelle scuole. Possono essere concesse esenzioni al divieto per condizioni di salute, difficoltà di apprendimento, traduzione linguistica o circostanze personali. Anche le scuole private hanno la facoltà di decidere e attuare le proprie politiche riguardanti l'uso del telefono cellulare. Ciò può includere il permesso di utilizzo del dispositivo personale in determinate circostanze di apprendimento.

L'approccio dell'ACT all'uso del telefono cellulare nelle scuole può differire da quello di altri stati e territori. Tuttavia, l’obiettivo generale rimane lo stesso: ridurre le distrazioni e migliorare i risultati di apprendimento degli studenti.

Are there individual exemptions?

In circostanze eccezionali, agli individui possono essere concesse esenzioni dal divieto di utilizzo del cellulare nelle scuole australiane. Possono essere approvate esenzioni per condizioni di salute, difficoltà di apprendimento, traduzione linguistica o circostanze personali. Le scuole hanno la facoltà di decidere il proprio processo di esenzione e possono prendere in considerazione l'uso dei telefoni cellulari per scopi didattici a determinate condizioni. Tuttavia, nel divieto rientrano anche smartwatch, tablet e altri dispositivi personali.

Informazioni dettagliate su come e quando possono essere concesse le esenzioni sono disponibili direttamente presso la scuola. In alcuni casi, la scuola può anche consentire l’uso di dispositivi personali in determinate circostanze di apprendimento. Tuttavia, questo è soggetto alle politiche scolastiche individuali e deve essere approvato dalla scuola prima dell'uso.


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